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not-for-profit 501(c)(3)

Rainbows for Makenna

Makenna Gwen Golub


Rainbows for Makenna was created in memory of our daughter after she was born at 22w6d and died after four days in the NICU. Makenna is our third angel baby.

We want you to know we will always remember your babies with you. 

You are not alone.


Make sure to check out all of the tabs to find resources, upcoming events, and more.


Makenna's signs

Makenna sends us signs through rainbows, yellow butterflies, lily of valley flowers, unicorns, purple flowers, windchimes, and robins. 
She is a force and will send you anything you ask for, but these are her favorites. 
Ask her for something specific and she will get creative.

Let’s Connect

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