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Hi. My name is Katie and Makenna is my first daughter. She was born on 5/20/22 at 11:55am at only twenty-two weeks and six days. Her arrival was unexpected, traumatic, and also life changing. Makenna fought hard for three and a half days, but gained her wings on 5/24/22. 

I am married to Makenna's daddy, Trevor. Together we have a total of 3 angel babies, two dogs, and a cat. We got married in 2014 at 19 years old, Trevor joined the army, we lived in South Korea and Colorado, bought our first home in the height of covid shut downs, finally had our dream wedding, and then decided we were ready to start a family. In October of 2020, I had my first miscarriage at 9 weeks. We waited a full year before we tried again and unfortunately, I had my second miscarriage in October of 2021 also at 9 weeks. 

In January of 2022, we found out we were pregnant for a 3rd time. Immediately upon finding out about this pregnancy, I knew I would hold this baby in my arms. 

What I didn't know was how short of a time I would get to hold her in my arms. I didn't know that for the rest of my life I would be holding Makenna in my heart with her other two siblings. From the moment we found out I was pregnant with Makenna, I knew this baby was meant for something. It's my job as her mother to keep her memory alive and make sure other angel moms gain something from Makenna. 

I want Rainbows for Makenna to allow other grieving moms a place to read my story and know they are not alone. 

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